Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Gamespot- Little Kings Story Review

An uncharacterisically early review from Gamespot(usually weeks late on their reviews) for Little King's Story was released today. And I must say I quite like the score.

This deep, challenging, and beautiful RTS-RPG hybrid is cleverly disguised as a child-friendly introduction to the strategy genre.


Read the full review here.

They gave the game an 8.5/10 for great visuals, great boss fights and that it would likely make you smile during play.
The negatives were the lack of a great story and that some of the sound effects would grate on you after time.

A great score for Little King's Story.

E3 09- Little Kings Story Gameplay Videos

2 more gameplay videos for Little Kings Story at E3. Looks pretty good in both.

E3 09- Developer Walkthrough

Gameplay Video:

E3 09- New Trailer

Another new trailer for Little Kings Story (narrated by the same guy with the great voice), this one doesn't show much new information, but it's still worth a watch.

Little King's Story Trailer:

Saturday, April 18, 2009

GamesTM- A Third Little Kings Story Review

Here is the third review for Little Kings Story, and while it is the lowest of the 3 scores, it's still high enough to make Wii owners eagerly anticipate the game.

GameTM gave the game an 8/10, stating that it would hold you over until Pikmin 3(and that's a heavy load to carry).

Other reviews include:
NGamer- 92/100
EDGE- 90/100

Monday, April 6, 2009

EDGE- Second Little Kings Story Review

The first review came in a few weeks ago(amazingly early...) from NGamer. The first review gave an outstanding score of 92% for the game.

Now the second review from EDGE is in, and the game has continued it's streak of 90's with a 9/10 from EDGE.
Worth noting is that EDGE also reviewed the crtically acclaimed MadWorld in this same issue, but gave it the lowest score it has gotten at a 6/10(so that may be saying something about Little Kings Story).

“You couldn’t call Little Kings Story deep, but it’s replacement of linear narritive with a single objective thats accompanied by many discrete anrritives besides is an achivement many games would do well to learn from.”


Unfortunately EDGE is a magazine, so the rest of the review is up in the air for now.

Friday, March 20, 2009

NGamer-Little Kings Story Review

The first Little King's Story review is here! And (so far) the game has turned out as we all hoped it would.

The game scored a 92% from NGamer(which was the best score given to a Wii game in the issue), unfortunately no details about the review have come in just yet...so we will see what was good/bad about the game in the future I guess.

Graphics- 8
Audio- 10
Gameplay- 9
Innovation- 8
Total= 92%

Read the details of the issue here.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Brand New Little Kings Story Interview

A really great interview that shows a ton of the different features of the game. Also includes tons of never before seen footage.

Little Kings Story Interview:

Such a well styled game, I really hope it succeeds in ratings and selling.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Preorder Little Kings Story- Get A Stress Doll?

XSeed and Marvelous deliver another fine preorder gift in conjucntion with Gamestop. Preorder Little Kings Story before the May 15, 2009 release date, and recieve a speciallty Onii Stress Doll upon pickup of your purchase(or shipment, the doll will ship with your product).
And I don't know about the rest of you guys, but I think I would get a little stressed out just looking at that thing...

Sunday, February 22, 2009

GamesRadar-Little Kings Story Preview

A snippit from a GamesRadar Preview of the upcoming Wii exclusive Little Kings Story:

"If there’s one thing all Marvelous games have in common (and we’re including Suda51’s Grasshopper oddities as spiritual bedfellows) it’s the focus on the little things. The quirks of the Harvest Moon girls, the pixilated pooch in Contact, hanging out with Travis Touchdown’s kitten; all unnecessary asides, but vital pieces of the puzzle. Little King’s Story has them in droves."Read the rest of the preview here.

Little Kings Story Debut Trailer

Debut trailer from Marvelous Interactive and Rising Star Games.

Little Kings Story Debut Trailer:
